The client for this site had given us a lot of content to work with, and it was a big challenge to keep it clean, and manageable for the user. Neon Fox Consulting company is a growing business, and they needed a professional looking site to give a good first impression to their potential clients.
The first main page is dedicated to share the most crucial information about the company, where they are from and what they are capable of. In case it is important to learn more about the specific services Neon Fox Consulting does, they can scroll to a third block and click on either specific service that will lead them to the next page where the details of that service is located, or view more where it will bring the viewer to the top of the second page.
Last block is dedicated for contacting the company. It is located on both pages and can be reached conveniently on the bottom. Once the reCAPTCHA is sure it’s not a bot and the message is sent, the little pop up shows up to confirm that the message has been sent.
Want to get in touch? Drop me a line!
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